Free POS Software for Liquor Stores: Pros and Cons

Liquor store owners are well aware of the challenges of the business, from maintaining inventory, to tracking sales, to managing customers. Point of sale (POS) software is massively helpful in addressing these problems. Right now, the liquor store POS software market is overflowing with great options, and choosing the right software can be intimidating. Not to mention, costs are always a defining factor in evaluating a POS purchase. 

As a result, free POS software for liquor stores is becoming increasingly popular, and especially favored by small businesses. So, is all that glitters… gold? Find out in this article, as we discuss the pros and cons of using free point of sale software for liquor stores. 

Pros of Using Free POS Software for Liquor Stores

1. Cost 

Cost is the most obvious advantage of free POS software for liquor stores. You will not have to invest in a software license and hardware, freeing up your capital to be invested in other components of your small business. 

2. Ease of Use

Though this is technically a perk of POS programs as whole, not just their free counterparts, it’s important to include. Most free POS systems for liquor stores are designed to be simple and user-friendly, making them easy for employees to use without extensive training. They’re also known for their accessibility: Free POS software based on the cloud can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. 

3. Regular Updates

Many free POS software providers regularly release updates, fixing bugs and glitches. This ensures the software your store uses stays up-to-date and effective. 

Since free POS software for liquor stores can oftentimes integrate with other software tools – accounting, security, customer loyalty programs – and each update may bring further integration capabilities for your POS software. 

Cons of Using Free POS Software for Liquor Stores

1. Limited Features

The main drawback of free POS software for liquor stores is that it often has limited features when compared to paid software. As mentioned earlier, free liquor POS systems tend to be simple, which means they’re solely designed to make sales. 

Their providers depend upon you splurging for higher-priced additional features to recoup some of the cost of the “free” POS. So, be aware: If you’re taking on a free liquor POS without add-ons, you may be missing out on important tools you need to run your small business, such as inventory management, security integrations, and advanced reporting capabilities. 

2. No Support

As far as cons go, this is a close second. Free POS software for liquor stores often has limited tech support, or none at all. Though these POS systems can be intuitive and easy to use, there’s a high likelihood that you’ll encounter problems. 

Having tech support that’s easily accessible 24/7 can be a godsend when your small business is unable to process transactions due to point of sale woes… and unfortunately, in many free liquor POS cases, you may be left to fend for yourself.

3. Security Concerns

You know those desirable add-ons we mentioned? A massive one is security integration. A good liquor POS system comes with employee management tools to grant an owner complete oversight, integration with external security measures such as alarms, and can even include security cameras. 

Security is a giant concern for small businesses, especially liquor stores — and free POS software does not offer the same level of security as paid software. To fight the good fight against theft and shrinkage, a paid liquor POS system is your best bet. 

To Pay or Not to Pay: The Best Option for Your Liquor Store 

So, we know a POS system is pretty essential to your liquor store, but will a free POS do the job just as well as a paid version? 

The bottom line is that you should thoroughly evaluate the needs and budget of your small business before pulling the trigger on either option. Some free POS systems are good, and if all you want for your liquor store is the ability to accept payments, they will do the job. However, a solid point of sale solution should really do more than that — making your life easier with built-in features, promoting customer loyalty, keeping your data secure, and setting your small business up for growth.

Our advice? A well-priced, paid POS software for liquor stores is worth its weight in gold. 

Bottle POS offers a myriad of features, from smart inventory ordering and reporting to an integrated webstore. What you see is what you get: All of the  features you need are included in the software, with no additional price hikes for add-ons. 

Free POS software for liquor stores can be tempting, and may even be the best fit for your store – but, remember the old rule of thumb: There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you’re ready to try a reasonably priced and broadly comprehensive system, we’ve got you covered. Schedule a demo with our team today to bring your liquor store to the next level.

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