How To Sell Build Your Own Six Packs: 8 Tips and Tools

For beer lovers, building their own six-pack is like choosing their own adventure — exciting, personal, and full of possibility. They get to explore new flavors, revisit old favorites, and create a personalized selection that suits their tastes. 

As a liquor store owner, it's an opportunity to showcase your diverse beer selection and potentially move some of your more interesting but slower-selling brews. Offering build-your-own six packs in your store can help you boost sales and win loyal customers looking to explore new combinations and options. 

But how can you create a build-your-own six-pack offer for your store? In this post, we'll walk you through the steps to successfully implement a build-your-own-six-pack service, both online and in-store.

Build-Your-Own Six-Packs: 8 Tips and Tools 

A build-your-own six-pack allows beer lovers to select individual bottles or cans from a variety of options to create their own unique six-pack. It's a departure from traditional pre-packaged six-packs, giving customers the freedom to mix and match different beers according to their preferences.

The appeal of build-your-own six-packs is the opportunity for low-risk exploration. Customers can try new brews without committing to a full six-pack of a single type. They can also combine their favorites or create themed packs for special occasions. This kind of personalization can help boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

However, offering build-your-own six-packs does come with its own set of challenges:

  1. Inventory management: Keeping track of individual beer bottles rather than pre-packaged six-packs can be more complex and time-consuming. It requires a more detailed system to monitor stock levels of individual bottles and prevent stockouts or overstocking.

  2. Pricing strategy: Figuring out a fair price that balances customer flexibility with profitability can be tricky. You’ll need to weigh the benefits of customization against the potential of losing out on the savings from buying in bulk.

  3. Space and display considerations: Setting up an attractive and efficient display for individual bottles, including proper refrigeration and organization, requires extra planning and resources. This can affect your store layout and might reduce space available for other products.

  4. Quality control: It can be tougher to keep individual bottles fresh and high-quality since they might stay on shelves longer than pre-packaged six-packs. This requires careful rotation and constant monitoring.

Despite these challenges, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks.

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1. Choose the Right Inventory for Build-Your-Own Six-Packs  

A diverse product range is key to a successful build-your-own six-pack program. Offer a mix of popular favorites, local craft beers, international brands, and unique brews to appeal to various preferences. Be sure to include different beer styles like lagers, ales, stouts, and IPAs. And don't forget to include non-alcoholic options for customers who prefer alcohol-free alternatives.

Another great way to keep your selection fresh and exciting is by rotating seasonal inventory. To manage your inventory effectively, software like Bottle POS can track stock levels across online and in-store channels. 

The right inventory management tool can help you monitor which beers are selling fast and which are slower to move, helping you adjust your orders accordingly. You can also set up automatic reorder points to maintain stock levels and identify trends in customer preferences over time.

2. Design an Intuitive Build-Your-Own Interface  

When it comes to online shopping, it's important to create a user-friendly experience for your customers. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce offer plenty of customizable options that you can tweak to fit your needs. 

Your online setup should include clear images and descriptions of each beer so customers can easily see what they’re choosing. It's also a good idea to have sorting and filtering options by style, ABV, origin, and more, making it simple for people to find what they like. 

In-store, you’ll want to recreate this experience with clear signage and good organization. One way to do this is by using color-coded tags or sections for different beer styles, which makes browsing a breeze. Adding tasting notes or flavor profiles next to each beer can also help customers make decisions based on their preferences. 

3. Develop a Tiered Pricing Strategy  

A tiered pricing strategy lets you offer value to customers while still maintaining your margins. Here’s how you can structure it:

You could start with a Basic Tier. This would offer a set price for any six beers from a selected range of mainstream options. It’s a simple and affordable option for customers who are just looking for their go-to favorites.

Next, you could offer a Premium Tier. This would be at a higher price point and include craft or imported options. It’s perfect for customers who want to explore a bit more and enjoy something special.

Finally, consider a Deluxe Tier. This would be the highest price point, allowing customers to select from all available beers, including limited editions or high-end craft brews. It’s ideal for true beer enthusiasts looking for the ultimate experience.

You might also want to offer a discount for purchasing a full six-pack compared to buying individual bottles. This strategy encourages customers to fill their packs and boosts overall sales.

Related Read: 7 Elements of a Successful Liquor Store Business Plan

4. Launch a Cross-Channel Marketing Campaign  

To promote your new build-your-own six-pack service, launch a comprehensive marketing campaign across multiple channels. Tools like Mailchimp, Hootsuite, and Omnisend can help you manage these campaigns efficiently. Here are some marketing ideas you can explore:

  • Social media contests where followers create and share their ideal six-packs. Offer prizes for the most creative or popular combinations to boost engagement.

  • Email newsletters featuring staff picks or themed six-pack suggestions. Include personal anecdotes or pairing recommendations from your team.

  • In-store tastings of the beers available in the build-your-own section. Schedule these events regularly and promote them as opportunities to "try before you build."

  • Partnerships with local breweries for exclusive offerings. Host meet-the-brewer nights where customers can learn about the beers directly from their creators.

  • Encouraging online customers to visit the store and vice versa. For example, offer an in-store discount code to online followers, or promote your online customization tool to in-store shoppers with eye-catching displays or QR codes. 

Implementing marketing messaging across multiple channels boosts your chances of reaching your ideal customers where they are. 

5. Implement a Unified Loyalty Program  

A loyalty program can be a powerful tool to encourage repeat purchases and build strong customer relationships. By rewarding customers for their purchases both online and in-store, you create an incentive for them to keep coming back. One way to do this is by offering points for each build-your-own six-pack purchased. These points can be accumulated and redeemed for future discounts or free items, adding value to every purchase.

You can also offer exclusive build-your-own options to loyalty members. This could include access to special beers that aren't available to non-members, making the program even more enticing. Another great perk is offering early access to new or limited-edition beers for loyalty members. This incentive makes customers feel valued and helps create buzz and excitement around new releases.

To manage this process, implement a liquor point of sale system with built-in loyalty program features. This will help you track customer purchases, manage rewards, and analyze buying patterns across both online and in-store channels. Plus, using this technology to simplify the process makes it easier for both your staff and customers to keep track of loyalty points and rewards.

6. Provide Expert Recommendations and Pairings  

Help your customers make better choices and boost their shopping experience by offering expert recommendations and pairing. You can start by training your staff to offer personalized advice in person. 

Teach your staff about different beer styles, flavor profiles, and pairing suggestions. When customers have questions or need guidance, well-informed staff can provide valuable insights, which can make all the difference to their shopping experience.

On top of in-person advice, consider integrating a recommendation engine on your website. This tool can analyze customer preferences and suggest products based on their browsing and purchase history. By offering tailored suggestions, you create a more personalized online shopping experience that mirrors the helpfulness of in-store interactions. 

7. Optimize Packaging and Shipping Processes  

For your online customers, make sure to have secure packaging that keeps their bottles safe during shipping. Look into custom-designed boxes with individual compartments for each bottle. These help prevent any clinking or breakage during transit. Make sure your boxes have clear labeling for fragile handling, so everyone along the delivery chain knows to take extra care.

Also, consider using eco-friendly packaging materials. This will appeal to environmentally conscious customers who appreciate sustainable practices. Last, don’t forget to offer your customers a tracking option so they can keep tabs on their orders and know exactly when to expect delivery.  

8. Analyze Sales Data To Refine Your Offerings  

Keeping an eye on the popularity of different beers and combinations can help you refine your offerings. Track which options are selling quickly and which ones are less popular. Use these insights to make smarter inventory decisions and tailor your promotions. Your point of sale system can make this process easier by organizing all the data in one place.

By regularly reviewing your sales data, you can adjust your selection to better meet customer preferences and stay ahead of trends. 

If you notice a particular craft beer is in high demand, you can stock up on it or feature it in your next promotion. On the other hand, if some beers aren’t selling well, you can rotate them out or offer special deals to clear out inventory.  

Create a Unique Adventure for Your Customers With Build Your Own Six-Packs

By letting customers curate their own six-packs, you invite them into the storytelling process of your store's brand. Each selection they make is a personal connection to their tastes and preferences, building loyalty and satisfaction.

The success of your service will rely on your ability to adapt and respond to customer feedback and sales trends. Stay flexible, keep communicating with your customers, and use the insights gained to continually refine and enhance your offerings.

Ready to transform your liquor store into a choose your own adventure for beer lovers? Schedule a demo with Bottle POS today, and let us show you how our software can streamline your inventory management and improve your customer's shopping experience. 

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