

To preserve the delicate tastes of a vintage wine, you need to maintain a consistent temperature, store it in a dry place, and keep it away from harsh light. Even the finest of wines are only as good as the way you maintain them.

Your small business is similar. To keep it at its best, you need to implement processes and tools to keep the perfect balance of inventory, manage sales, and keep your wine shop running smoothly. 

Your wine store’s success hinges not only on your expert knowledge of all things wine — but also on how efficiently your business operates. 

A robust point of sale (POS) system can be your most valuable business partner; it keeps your shop running smoothly, provides you with the data you need to make the right decisions for your business, and helps you provide premier customer service every time someone walks through your door. 

Simply put, a point of sale system is where your customer completes their purchase — but it can do so much more for your business. 

The best POS systems weave together various functions to support the operation of your wine store, including inventory tracking, customer management, and sales reporting. 

With complicated alcohol sales regulations, age verification requirements, and a wide range of inventory, wine shop owners need a POS system specifically designed to handle the complex world of wine sales. 

In this guide, we’ll cover: 

  • How to determine your priorities for a POS system
  • Must-have wine shop POS software and hardware features
  • The role of compliance when choosing a POS system
  • How to tackle the POS system research process

Evaluating the Needs of your Business

Before you begin weighing your POS options and speaking to providers, you should examine the specific nature and needs of your business. What are your deal breakers?

Wine shops come in many forms — from the local wine store stocked with popular wines and a few local blends to a boutique wine outlet carrying rare and vintage labels — and the type of wine store you operate will influence what you need in a POS system. 

For example, a multi-chain operation might prioritize features like online sales or wine club loyalty programs. On the other hand, a smaller shop featuring limited, exclusive labels may need a POS system with robust inventory tracking and reporting features since each bottle has a high value. 

Maybe you don’t feel confident in your technological skills, so you’d like access to onboarding, training, and 24/7 technical support in the event that something goes wrong.

Spend some time thinking about the unique needs of your wine shop and what you should prioritize. Investing this time into evaluating your needs will help you on your journey to finding a POS system that’s a perfect match. 

Wine POS Software and Hardware

Key Elements of Wine POS Software

Let’s explore some point of sale software features that are particularly helpful for wine shop owners. 

Here’s what you should look out for when selecting a wine-specific POS system:

  1. Age Verification: Given the legal constraints around selling alcohol, a wine-specific POS system should have age verification capabilities, whether through manual birthdate entry or integrated scanners for customers’ IDs. (The less manual this is, the better — you want to avoid cashier mistakes and approving fake IDs.)
  2. Smart Inventory Management: Robust inventory management can help keep the right products on your shelves all the time, whether it’s a bottle of Bordeaux or a case of Chianti Three essential features to watch out for are automated stock ranking, automated invoicing, and case breaking:
    • Automated ranking identifies your bestsellers and slow-moving items, simplifying the inventory decision-making process. 
    • Automated invoicing updates your inventory as new stock arrives, saving you time and preventing errors on manual entry. 
    • Case breaking allows you to sell individual bottles from a whole case. This feature also automatically adjusts your stock count, keeping inventory numbers precise. 

At the end of the day, you’ll save several hours per week and reduce human error by using AI-powered inventory management features.

  1. Marketing and Customer Relationship Management: Finding and retaining new customers is one of the most crucial and difficult aspects of operating a wine shop. A wine-specific POS system should support customer loyalty programs and track your customers’ preferences, contact information, and purchase history to help elevate and customize their experience. 
  2. Sales Reports: In-depth, accurate sales reports are invaluable. They should offer a clear view of your business’ performance, bestsellers, and peak sales times, helping you make the right decisions for your business. 
  3. E-Commerce Integration: If you’re thinking about taking your wine shop online, you’ll want to make sure that your POS system has an e-commerce integration option. Inventory and sales data should stay synchronized between your physical and online stores. 

Questions to Consider When Selecting Wine POS Software

Here are a few questions to guide you as you determine which of these software features are most important to you — and which POS solution offers the best combination: 

  1. Which features are automated?
  2. How agile is the system in handling inventory, specifically for unique items like vintages or varietals?
  3. Can it accommodate case-breaking sales without creating inventory discrepancies?
  4. How simple and accurate is the age verification process? 
  5. Does it offer a customer loyalty program? Can customer preferences and purchase histories be tracked?
  6. Does it allow for e-commerce integration?
  7. How comprehensive and easy-to-use are the sales reporting features? Are reports customizable?
  8. Are there updates and improvements to features over time?
  9. Is the system able to evolve and grow with your business?

Key Elements of Wine POS Hardware

Now that we’ve covered the must-have features for your wine shop’s POS system, it’s time to talk hardware. The right hardware makes inventory management easy, enhances the customer experience, and keeps your store running smoothly. 

Here are the POS hardware components you’ll need to get started:

  1. Touch PC: A touch PC is the heart of your POS system. It facilitates the interaction between your customers and staff, allowing employees to quickly and easily look up products and process sales. 
  2. Barcode Scanner: Given the wide range of wines you likely carry in your store, a barcode scanner is essential. The ability to quickly scan products rather than manually enter codes and prices speeds up the checkout process and minimizes errors. 
  3. Receipt Printer: A receipt printer is a staple in any retail environment, providing customers with a written record of their purchase. 
  4. Cash Drawer: For transactions made with cash, you’ll need a lockable drawer to keep cash, checks, and receipts secure. 

Two additional hardware features can take your wine store’s operations to the next level: 

  1. ID Scanner: An ID scanner can speed up the age verification and checkout process for your customers and add an extra layer of legal protection for your business.
  2. Customer Display: A customer display allows your customers to view the details of their transactions in real time, elevating their shopping experience and building trust. This piece of hardware also makes it easy for customers to sign up for your loyalty program. You can show a keypad at the beginning of every transaction, prompting phone number entry.

Questions to Consider When Selecting Wine POS Hardware

Before committing to a hardware setup, it’s critical to evaluate your business’ needs to determine the best fit. Here are a few questions to consider when shopping for hardware: 

  1. How much space do you have? Will your desired hardware setup fit on your counter space?
  2. How easy is the hardware to use? Will your employees be able to learn it quickly and navigate it comfortably?
  3. How does the hardware integrate with your chosen POS software? Are you looking for an all-in-one software and hardware solution, or are you looking to combine two different options?
  4. Does your hardware come with a warranty? How durable is it, and will it be able to withstand the rigors of a retail environment?
  5. Is the hardware configuration customizable to suit your store’s needs?

Thoroughly assessing your hardware options through the lens of your wine shop’s specific requirements will ensure that you’re choosing the best possible fit for your business.

Compliance With State and Federal Laws

Compliance with federal and state alcohol laws is a crucial point to consider when choosing a POS system for your wine shop. Ensuring that your point of sale solution meets compliance standards can prevent legal issues that could potentially damage your business. 

When evaluating POS options, you need to make sure that your solution includes features like age verification, tax reporting, and transactional limits according to the laws of your operating state. 

If you’re not sure how to find your jurisdiction’s laws regarding alcohol sales, here’s where to look:

Understanding the federal, state, and local regulations that apply to your business impacts your POS decision-making process. Make sure that your chosen POS solution includes the features required to ensure that your wine shop is in compliance with the law. 

Do Your Research

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics of wine store POS software, hardware, and compliance, it’s time to start evaluating the POS system options available to you. 

We’ve created this step-by-step guide to ensure that you’re gathering a thorough list of POS solutions to research and assess. 

    1. Research Different Options
      • Begin the research process by exploring the different POS systems available. Read user reviews, verify the legitimacy of each brand, and take notes on how each system’s features would align with your business’ requirements. 
        wine store POS features - Bottle POS guide infographic
    2. Compare Prices
      • Once you’ve shortlisted a few options, you’ll need to determine which ones fit your budget. Pay close attention to both upfront costs as well as recurring charges like maintenance or subscription fees. Don’t forget to ask about payment processing rates, too!
    3. Compare Support
      • Premier customer support is an underestimated factor when choosing a point of sale system. Check out what kind of support each POS provider offers, such as 24/7 live support, chat, email, or online ticketing. See what kind of training and onboarding resources each provider offers to help you get started with your new POS system.
    4. Compare Features
      • It’s easy to be influenced by a long list of flashy features, but it’s more important to focus on what your business actually needs. Identify which features are fundamental to how your wine store runs and find a POS system that matches closely. 
    5. Schedule Demos
      • Many POS providers offer live demos that allow you to interact with the system firsthand and see it in action. Checking if the software is easy to use and walking through specific features and functionality is key. 

Tackling your research in a systematic and comprehensive way will make choosing a POS system simple, allowing you to see at-a-glance which POS offerings most closely align with your business’ priorities and needs.

Uncork Success With a Robust Wine POS Solution

Your wine store’s POS system is the backbone of your operations and the engine that keeps your business running smoothly. It helps your employees create positive and memorable experiences for your customers, and it provides you with the data you need to steer your wine shop toward success. 

Choosing a POS system designed specifically with wine stores in mind will ensure that you have access to all the features you need to run an efficient, flourishing business. 

Bottle POS Guide - Steins and Vines Quote

One of the best wine store POS options on the market is Bottle POS. Created exclusively for wine, beer, and liquor shops, Bottle POS is an easy-to-use, all-in-one point of sale solution equipped with the industry-specific features you need. 

Bottle POS comes with integrated ID scanning, advanced AI-driven inventory management, sales tracking, in-depth reporting, and so much more. Its flexibility allows you to customize as much as you want to, helping you build the perfect POS system for your wine store. 

As you hunt for the best wine point of sale solution, don’t forget to take Bottle POS for a spin by scheduling a personalized demo.